Constraints that specify lambda functions

Selecting ranges in the events DataFrame is possible. We provide support for lambda functions in order to empower the user to specify arbitrary conditions. In the example below we’re going to use a simple condition but, evidently, it can be as complex as needed.

Say we want to select all events that occurred between frames 327 and 1327. We can do it like this:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
import xarray_events

ds = xr.Dataset(
        'ball_trajectory': (
            ['frame', 'cartesian_coords'],
            np.exp(np.linspace((-6, -8), (3, 2), 2450))
        'frame': np.arange(1, 2451),
        'cartesian_coords': ['x', 'y'],
        'player_id': [2, 3, 7, 19, 20, 21, 22, 28, 34, 79]
    attrs={'match_id': 12, 'resolution_fps': 25}

events = pd.DataFrame(
            ['pass', 'goal', 'pass', 'pass', 'pass',
             'penalty', 'goal', 'pass', 'pass', 'penalty'],
        'start_frame': [1, 425, 600, 945, 1100, 1280, 1890, 2020, 2300, 2390],
        'end_frame': [424, 599, 944, 1099, 1279, 1889, 2019, 2299, 2389, 2450],
        'player_id': [79, 79, 19, 2, 3, 2, 3, 79, 2, 79]
    .events.load(events, {'frame': ('start_frame', 'end_frame')})
            'start_frame': lambda frame: frame > 327,
            'end_frame': lambda frame: frame < 1327
event_type start_frame end_frame player_id
1 goal 425 599 79
2 pass 600 944 19
3 pass 945 1099 2
4 pass 1100 1279 3